從2011年開始,神道出版社陸續出版了一套18本未来信息叢書 Since 2011 TheoLogos Publications has published a series of 18 books

0. 超時空的設計:聖經中隱藏的數字結構

1. 聖經中的數字和數根

2. 未來鑽“實”記(上):但以理書和啟示錄探解

3. 未來鑽“實”記(下):福音書等末日信息探解

4. 天天拾吗哪(I):如霜的珍珠

5. 天天拾吗哪(II):搗出來的新油

6. 天天拾吗哪(III):夜間的天露

7. 易經中的未來信息:用聖經透視易經

8. 展望未來讀聖經:寫給初學者

9. 第六天的嗎哪

10. 夢醒方知禧

11. 今日嗎哪話千禧

12. 天堂與地獄 瑞登堡

13. 卡(虛擬小說) 王路加

14. 洞穴之光——爲現代人解謎除惑

15. “喊之”欲出——探解漢字中的奧秘

16. 愛的能耐轉化

17. 此言不中非天語——《格庵遺錄》探解

18. 有“字”天書——迎見數字時代“一”的亮光

19. 了——末日真相

0. The Pattern & The Prophecy: God’s Great Code* - James Harrison

1. Numbers and the Roots of Numbers in the Bible**

2. Sword for Future (I): Dividing Truths in Daniel & Revelation**

3. Sword for Future (II): Dividing Truths in Gospels & Other Books

4. Daily Manna (I): Rare Pearls in the Deep

5. Daily Manna (II): New Oil in the Press

6. Daily Manna (III): Nightly Dew in the Desert

7. Understand Future Messages in I Ching through the Bible

8. How to Read Bible with Future in View: For Beginners

9. Manna on the Sixth Day: The Double Portion

10. Waking Up to Know Millennial Jubilee

11. Today's Manna for the Millennial Jubilee

12. Heaven and Hell - Emanuel Swedenborg

13. Case Checked - A Novel by Luke Wang

14. Caved in for Greater Light

15. Chinese Characters Crying Out

16. The Transforming Power of Love

17. Prophercies Unfolding Before Our Eyes

18. Numbers Crying Out

19. It Is Finished - the Truth about the Last Days

* We publish only the Chinese translation

** English translation done (the rest have not been translated into English yet)

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